Survey summaries:

The responses to engagement metric concern varied: Some track for progress and networking, others for growth and visibility. Many find it discouraging or stressful, while some prioritize genuine connections over numbers. A few are curious about audience engagement, especially for financial gain or sponsored collaborations. Overall, attitudes range from viewing metrics as essential for success to disregarding them entirely due to their negative impact or lack of relevance to artistic goals.

Engagement metrics have a mixed impact on creativity: Some feel they hurt, causing distraction or self-doubt, while others see them as beneficial, aiding audience engagement and format improvement. Some express indifference or uncertainty regarding their influence, while a few emphasize prioritizing personal satisfaction over metrics. Overall, opinions vary from detrimental to neutral or even positive effects on the creative process.

Participants' attitudes towards intentionally creating viral content vary: Some reject it as unfulfilling, while others admit to aiming for visibility or following trends. Some express ambivalence or disinterest, while a few cite financial motives. Shifts in priorities are noted, with some moving away from chasing viral content for personal fulfillment. Overall, responses range from rejecting viral content creation to strategic attempts for visibility or financial gain, with some prioritizing personal satisfaction over viral success.

Responses regarding correlating confidence with post engagement varied: Some reluctantly admitted to this correlation, while others affirmed it as a measure of validation. Some found it discouraging when posts received minimal engagement, while others derived confidence from social media attention. Several acknowledged efforts to detach from this correlation, while others saw engagement as less relevant to their confidence. Overall, responses ranged from a reluctant acknowledgment of the correlation to efforts to prioritize intrinsic value over external validation, with some expressing reliance on engagement as feedback for their art.

Users tend to prefer Instagram as their platform of choice for both posting and networking - some who post on their websites use Instagram to network, but prefer posting their work on their own website.

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Do you concern yourself with/pay attention to your engagement metrics? Why or why not?

Sorta yeah, I like to see my progress but I care mostly about having a place to put my work and make connections.

Yes, I want to know that people are viewing and interacting with my work. I care about growing my account.

I do to try and get more reach

I try to pay some attention because I would like my accounts to grow and try to see which posts do best, but also ignore it a lot because it’s discouraging. Usually it doesn’t really help that much to pay attention and just makes me feel bad about my art.