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the total number of individuals aged 18–23 reporting depressive episodes rose by 83% since the widespread adoption of social media (1)

Instagram has the highest engagement rates of all the social media platforms, 48% of art buyers using Instagram (3, 2) and the most used social media for art-related purposes is Instagram (94%) (2)

Digital participation deepens and democratizes artistic exchange with audiences (4), it has changed the role of the audience, and blurred boundaries of concepts such as “professional” and “public” (5) Self-Actualization: Abraham Maslow believed that actualization was the driving force of human personality, he achieved five levels of motivation: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change into personal growth. (6)

4.3. Findings of Study 2 Our analysis of the questionnaire data shows that: • The most preferred social media platform is Instagram (91%), and the most used social media for art-related purposes is Instagram (94%) too; • The main motivations of using social media are to share artworks, selling artworks and know more artists; • 37% of artists post 5 to 10 posts a week, 46% of artists are interacting with followers more than 10 times per week; • 80% of artists deny that the most-liked artwork is also their favorite artwork; • 63% of artists deny that the interaction between the most-liked artwork and followers will influence the creation of their next artwork; • 63% of artists did not customize the artwork for their followers. (2)

1% of artists get higher like/comment interaction rates but do not interact as much with their followers, while 91% of artists have much lower interaction rates but higher follower interaction rates. (2)

para-social relationships contribute to the heightened rate of interaction on larger accounts - creators that post their private lives on their accounts gather more interaction because their followers feel like they are their friends (2)

Instagram as an image-based online life sharing apps, only allows a quick superficial interaction. People make judgments by intuition in many cases. The bite-sized information can only act as an entry point in the “art experience”, and can not substitute for the live experience of seeing the actual “painting” which may be just an illusion. (2)

intrinsic (enjoyment and pleasure) vs. extrinsic (value and usefulness) motivation. Both reward systems demonstrate the influences that affect why individuals use social media platforms (7)