Company Name Unique Value Proposition Advantages Disadvantages Similarities Differences Learnings Opportunities
Instagram Social media, allows users to effortlessly connect with friends and family as well as creators and celebrities Large user base, allows for creators to make connections and generate income from business ventures Exposure is dependent on content buzzwords and algorithm compatibility. overpopulation results in high competition Users can connect their contacts and find their friends on the app and have a similar handle system Algorithm/success is dependent on engagement metrics Exposure algorithms are the industry standard for content management. Users enjoy being able to connect with their personal circles as well as creators Attract creators frustrated with the exposure algorithm by emphasizing personal connection and live interaction
Linkedin True network for professional connections and communications, highly specified Connections and degrees of separation (tiers,) ability to connect with other professionals outside your network for mentorship Content is stale and users avoid the platform in day-to-day life, it is geared towards employment and content related only to that “connections” and professional networking Catered to employment and professional development for all industries Connectivity and community are valuable to users, and professional exposure can be facilitated through degrees of connection Include a degree/level for mutual connections, create a tagging system to manage art genres like industries to attract more users
TikTok Short form video format that is easily digestible, allows users to become inspired by other creators and publish their own content Low threshold of entry for content creators, ease of market penetration via “trends” - Algorithm is very accurate in determining user interests Foreign corporation, subject to regulatory and political roadblocks. Questionable privacy. High population results in competition between creators Users can connect their contacts and find their friends on the app and have a similar handle system. Genre tag system Algorithm/success is dependent on engagement metrics Privacy control is crucial. Bite-size posts are more successful in managing user attention. An accessible and easy interface for all kinds of users is appreciated. Attract creators frustrated with the exposure algorithm by emphasizing personal connection and live interaction
VSCO Native creative tools, equips, educates and inspires users on their journey towards realizing their full creative potential Geared towards photography rather than purely being social, users can post photos and edit them inside the app. Small user base, past its prime. VSCO reached peak popularity in 2017-2018. Never reached market saturation No “likes,” geared directly towards photographers and visual artists and not towards content creation editing tools inside the app, “journal” system Filtering and editing photos in-app is no longer popular. Some editing tools are still in use, and low competition inspires users to post more work. Attract creators frustrated with the exposure algorithm by emphasizing posting freedom and confidence
Tumblr Forerunner in internet culture, known for its vibrant communities and unique content. Users have individual site addresses and can customize home pages, repost content from other creators, and leave anonymous comments Anonymous comments can be a source of online hate, user base size has been shrinking in recent years Tags for subject matter make searching for content simple and customizable “notes” (likes) system determines exposure on tag searches Community is a valuable aspect to users, and personal interaction is emphasized. similar algorithm to other platforms Attract creators frustrated with the exposure algorithm by emphasizing posting freedom and confidence
Behance diverse creative community, potential for feedback, connection with Adobe, Adobe Live, and jobs board. Large user base. Internal job board for artists and designers, and portfolio-oriented design customization High rate of competition results in difficulty getting noticed. High threshold of entry as it requires more work to create a portfolio Target audience, community features threshold of entry, social aspects like direct messaging Overly complex profile creation system and posting system bog down more casual or non-professional users. Oversaturation of professionally-geared features may discourage new users Maintain a low threshold of entry to attract a more diversely skilled user base
Pinterest visual discovery platform. user goals are visual inspiration rather than community interaction Google search exposure, users who post are able to manage website traffic in more detail than other platforms. association of pins allows for the algorithm to show interests accurately Due to the popularity of reposting, and the nature of visual inspiration, content has a higher chance of being stolen or plagiarized Target audience Inspiration is important to users, and gathering it easily is crucial to the creative journey Incorporate inspiration-targeted features as well as community engagement features to attract a larger user base